Friends and Family Month
Friends and Family Month
Sometimes there are obstacles to coming into a medical office, but help is still available. We can see you over a HIPAA compliant connection. Some same-day appointments may be available!
Do you feel like you have tried everything to lose weight and nothing has been successful? We are here to guide you on a path that works! Whether it is oral meds, injectables, or both. We can find a plan that helps you be successful!
We focus on you, not just your labs. Have you been diagnosed with hypothyroid and started on meds but still do not feel better? Your levels may not be at optimal levels.
Do you want to perform better in and out of the bedroom? Lets check your testosterone, you may benefit from supplementation.
Looking for a little extra energy or maybe an immunity boost before a trip? Let us help you feel your best!
We treat even the smallest members of the family! From infancy to 18, we're here for examination, diagnosis, treatment and ongoing wellness for your children.
Julie has worked in healthcare for over 17 years. She has extensive experience in caring for patients across the life span. She has a passion for providing individualized healthcare to patients of all ages. She is married with three amazing children. Loves CrossFit, plants and helping people feel their very best!
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